Lasertherapy of stretch marks (Striae distensae) e.g. caused by pregnancy or growth spurts during puberty, etc.
Fresh stretch marks which are still red in appearance, can be treated with lasers that selectively target blood vessels to induce blanching of the lesions. One of the lasers employed, is the so-called pulsed-dye laser which lightens the treated area without causing scaring. Although stretch marks will get lighther over time without treatment, laser therapy might expedite this process.
There is also scienticfic evidence that deeper skin changes that occur in stretch marks of pregnancy may be improved by therapy with the pulsed-dye laser or other lasers. This implies that the lightened stretch marks would also become less visible and cosmetically disturbing as the skin texture would approach that of normal skin. These reports, however are still under active discussion as some laser users do not concur with the observed results. In an individual case, a test therapy should be carried out to evaluate the result prior to treatment of the entire area.